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Fertilizers and Biopesticides for a bountiful harvest
Need help choosing the right products for your plants?
Give us a call at Plantco! Our team is here to recommend the best solutions for your gardening needs.
Some of the good things customers say about our Plantco products.

We mixed our first batch yesterday and applied it to two of our struggling Spicebushes and one of our Pawpaw trees. Even though we’ve tried to provide soil rich in nutrients for all of our plants, we have found that occasionally some plants need extra TLC. Very happy with Plantco products.

Marine Magic from Plantco has a great packaging and does not need much space. It is highly recommended and I used it on both indoor and outdoor plants. Highly recommend Plantco products.

We used Plantco’s products for our raised beds. After 2 weeks, the plants in the raised bed did really well. The tomatoes also did well and the products helped with the transplant shock.